Celebrating a New Name and Continued Commitment to Children

ChildFund International staff members gathered for a flag-raising ceremony July 1.

ChildFund International staff members gathered for a flag-raising ceremony July 1.

By David Hylton,
Public Relations Specialist

Anyone who has traveled along Interstate 64 in Richmond, Va., in recent weeks has probably noticed a big tarp covering part of our building. Under that tarp is a new sign with our new name – ChildFund International.

The ChildFund International sign has been covered since late June.

The ChildFund International sign has been covered since late June.

At 11 a.m. this Friday, that tarp is coming down. That day we’ll be celebrating our new name and our work with children around the world.

“We will celebrate our new name and our continuing commitment to serving the world’s deprived, excluded and vulnerable children” says ChildFund International President and CEO Anne Lynam Goddard.

In addition to Anne, you’ll hear from ChildFund donors Jim Lindsey, a Richmond resident and retired Virginia Commonwealth University assistant professor, and Mick Foley, the well-known wrestler who, among other contributions, has helped build seven schools in war-torn Sierra Leone.

Entertainment includes performances from Richmond-based Ezibu Muntu African Dance and Cultural Foundation and SPARC (School of the Performing Arts in the Richmond Community). Tours of ChildFund’s Kenyan classroom, which features items from a ChildFund program in that country, will be available.

If you plan to attend, please arrive by 10:45 a.m. We are located at 2821 Emerywood Parkway, just off Broad Street near Glenside Drive.

The celebration of ChildFund International’s new name continues at 7 p.m. Friday as “The Power to Play – from Trash to Treasure,” an exhibit of toys created by children in ChildFund’s programs, debuts at Page Bond Gallery in Richmond.

Toys such as this one from Zambia will be on display.

Toys such as this one from Zambia will be on display.

The collection of more than 350 toys shows real imagination and creativity by children for using locally available materials to design toys of all shapes and sizes that roll, float, peddle or strum. The toys will be on display July 10 through Aug. 21 at the Page Bond Gallery, 1625 W. Main St. Friday’s opening reception is from 7-9 p.m.

For a sneak peek of the toy exhibit, click here to check out a video of children making toys. 

For more information about ChildFund International, click here to visit our Web site.

13 responses to “Celebrating a New Name and Continued Commitment to Children

  1. Thanks for responding ChildFund…I was about to post your message : )
    Very impressed with your quick response!

  2. ChildFund International

    Thanks to everyone for their posts. Please call our 800 number at 1-800-776-6767 so we can help you out.

  3. Lee,
    I found an email address for their office, the freecall number seems to be missing a digit…
    Try emailing Australia for answers…at least they have some info on Korea….no children listed for sponsorship. Could be a glitch that needs correcting. : ) Good luck!

  4. Lee,
    I am so sorry to hear this. Try going to this site:
    I hope you find your answers and may continue to write to your child(ren). I’ve been under the impression that once they reach their “maturity” age, letters can still be exchanged if both parties agree. Good luck…keep us updated!

  5. I have sponsored a wonderful young man from Korea for 10 years and suddenly a letter from CCF saying he has reached the age of maturity and no longer my sponsored child. I received no letter from the child I have been communicating with all these years and now I come to find under the new name of Child Fund, Korea is no longer listed as a sponsored country and no one will give me answers. Nice new name but I would have been more impressed had I have been given answers to my questions, especially considering how long I have sponsored two children from this agency.

  6. Congratulations to Cynthia Price, Geoff Livingston and the team that helped make this great change. Wow.

  7. This article and others like it (Christians NOT at their best) is what I found when I was looking for a charity. After reading it, I knew Christain Children’s Fund was what I was seeking. I wanted a charity who actually helped the children….not self serving for their religious beliefs.

    Click to access MWDA_042704_CCF.pdf

  8. ChildFund International

    Thank you for all the comments. We encourage you to visit our Web site – http://www.ChildFund.org – for details on our changes and to see the work that we do to help deprived, excluded and vulnerable children around the world.

  9. Pingback: Follow @childfund and Help Feed Children » The Buzz Bin

  10. Dan Herbison

    Hmmmm…. Just exactly what can “ChildFund” do that “Christian Childrens Fund” could not do? This is nor clear to me.

    I must conclude that the name “Christian” has somehow become inconvenient for this organization. Doing things that cannot be motivated by “Christian values” seem a little suspect to me.

    There are plenty of “Christian” organizations that help children. Any additional donations I make beyond my commitment to my sponsored child will go to an organization that is proud of Christ and is not inconvenienced by association with him.

    If I were told some specific things that ChildFund can do, that Christian Children’s Fund could not do, I will reconsider my decision.

  11. I believe removing the word “Christian” is simply that. To many have commented that the organization falsley represents by not promoting Christianity as “the religion to believe”. As a Christian, I do not need the word to represent myself in my cause. I wish to help all religions, beliefs….and not prevent some families from engaging in the help they need because of a religious based name. This will take a lot of burden off those with other beliefs…no conflict of interest. Wise decision…As for our home, we are Christian based….and in being so, we will continue to support the ChildFund in all their endeavors. Thank you….

  12. John J Robbins

    I don’t understand why taking the word “Christian” out of your organizations title better reflects your commitment.

  13. Big Woot! We love the fact that ChildFund is open to modern times! Facebook! Twitter! Sharing….what better way to focus on the children, the families and help needed…. Although we loved all before, this change will open up new opportunites for those in need! We can’t wait to see what info we’ll learn on the Philippines : ) Thanks for all you do!